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An LGBT-friendly Spiritual Community

Golders Green Unitarians are an LGBT-inclusive Church in NW London

Unitarian spirituality is LGBT-inclusive. The Unitarian church offers a spiritual home for lesbian and gay people fully and openly. To Unitarians, both the Divine and our people are equally welcoming of LGBT and straight people.

Unitarians were one of the three religious groups who successfully campaigned to ensure that, when marriage law was changed to an equal marriage basis in England and Wales, churches and other places of worship could register to conduct legal lesbian and gay marriages.


Gay and Lesbian Church Involvement

Several active members of Golders Green Unitarians are lesbian or gay, and we are one of relatively few churches in NW London (indeed, perhaps nationally) whose current minister is one of two openly LGBT ministers in recent years.

A number of lesbian and gay people have been enthusiastic (and ‘out’) members of Golders Green Unitarians throughout the past forty years. One was Dudley Cave, founder of the Gay Switchboard and the Gay Bereavement Project.


LGBT Rites of Passage

Our Minister will gladly arrange “rites of passage” including a funeral, an  anniversary, a welcoming of a child adopted by an LGBT couple, etc) designed to honour the LGBT aspect of a person or celebrate an LGBT relationship. Our church is not at present registered to hold marriage or civil partnership ceremonies on its premises but our minister, who himself was married in a Unitarian chapel when gay weddings were legalised, will gladly conduct a wedding on permitted premises, or a spiritual ceremony in the church or elsewhere, to honour and bless your lesbian/gay marriage, and in harmony with your own spirituality and beliefs.  

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