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Golders Green Unitarians

A new venture here

"Heart and Soul" Midweek Gathering

Wednesday 13th March

These Gatherings will be monthly. They are contemplative gatherings with reflections, ritual, and music; led by the GGU minister, Rev. Michael Allured.

There will be opportunities for sharing and hearing the silent connection between us.


The themes for Sunday services

June: Courage and resilience 


 Each Service is a reflective gathering


prayer, readings, music, and an opportunity to light candles

Liberal Spirituality for Life and Soul

Golders Green Unitarians is a faith community where you can develop your sense of the sacred and the transcendent without anyone telling you what you "should" think or feel.


Golders Green Unitarians has Services in the church on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. They start at 11 a.m. and finish at 12 noon (-ish).

On the other Sundays, services are on Zoom, at 4 p.m.  

Email Rev. Michael Allured on alluredm [at] aol.com for Zoom access codes, or to ask for an email copy of any service script.

See calendar for fine details.


Why Come to Golders Green Unitarians

A short inspirational video of people sharing about why they come to Golders Green Unitarians




"ON YOUR DOORSTEP" perform LIVE CONCERTS, usually on the 4th Saturday of a month, starting at 6 p.m. See "Special Events" page for details.




Golders Green Unitarians also invites you to:-

Poetry and Prose sharing on Zoom at 4 to 5.30 p.m. on the 3rd Saturday of each month.

In the church:-

Art Workshops run from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on 1st Saturdays of months. See Regular Events page for information. September's will be on 9th.

Circle Dancing is at 6.30 p.m. til 8.30 on 3rd Fridays of the month. If you would like to take part, please - please - contact Rose Williams ahead of time.


The premises are frequently cleaned and are available for hire. Contact Lyn Payne if you wish to hire a room.



Golders Green Unitarians is a Fairtrade church.

If everyone is committed to purchasing one item from our Fairtrade shop you will make a difference to someone’s life. This is our outreach!

Why buy Fairtrade?

Fairtrade aims to create real, sustainable change in the world of trade. Our vision is to be the best ethical business there is. We only have one planet, so we’re making sure that we look after it; from how our food is wrapped and packaged, to where it comes from. We work closely with traditional growers worldwide, sourcing the finest Fairtrade ingredients. Your purchases help change people’s lives.

Get your purchases from Lyn on the first and third Sunday of the month. Or let her know what you want and she will try to order it for you.


Liberal Spirituality

All are welcome at Golders Green Unitarians in NW London, a community for you to nurture both your life and your soul.



Contact our Minister, the Rev. Michael Allured on 07775 253520 or by email at alluredm [at] aol.com.


Golders Green Unitarians, 31½ Hoop Lane, London NW11 8BS




Deeper Listening and Reflection

"SOUL SPEAKING" : a monthly online space for 60 minutes of deeper listening and reflection (rather than conversation).  Monday on 7.30 to 8.30 pm, reflecting on Religious Life.

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